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Showing posts from February, 2024


  The egg fused by sperm containing Y and X chromosomes will become a male and a female respectively. These are biologically defined genders but while growing up, you have to walk down the paths of masculinity and femininity defined by society. The male has to be rigid and the female has to be fragile. Masculinity does not mean to put others under their soles and femininity does not mean to be oppressed.  Over the years, I realized that males are overburdened with the idea of pseudo-masculinity and females are over-confident with the idea of pseudo-femininity. We forget most of the time that we run through hormones too. We can show anger, zeal, grief, and tears irrespective of gender. At present times, we complain that the opposite gender is not able to understand us. Complaining is easier than finding out why it is happening. The real reason is that we are bound by the ego of our respective genders. To understand, a male has to attain a bit of femininity and a female has ...


The very first feeling that comes to mind while reading the word ‘Home’ is warmth and safety. The three basic needs of food, clothing, and a house are fulfilled by most of us, but being at home is only for privileged people. You may live in a house for years without realizing its importance, but when you leave, you feel the void of home in the house you built over years of hard work.  I was in the sixth standard when I came across a poem titled "A House, A Home." It was the first time I understood the difference between these two words; before this, I used them interchangeably. There are years between knowing the differences between a house and a home to witnessing the differences.  While staying at home, I kept saying to my mother, 'I want freedom, and I'll only get it when I go away.' Years later, the freedom I was searching for was elusive. It was my misunderstanding of freedom. I underestimated the value of home. Home is something that exists in a moment. Gett...

"पीछे छूटता घर, आगे आता घर"

लोग सोचते है कि शहर बसता है उनकी महत्वाकांक्षाओं   और उनके खालीपन से। वास्तव में  शहर बसता है, केवल ज़रूरतों से।  घर जहाँ आत्मीयता और शान्ति वास करती है वहां से निकल कर अनगिनत इमारतों को निहारते हुए जब रेलवे स्टेशन पंहुचा तब लगा कि मैं अकेले नहीं हूँ जो विस्थापन का शिकार हुआ| जब पता लगता है कि जो आप पे गुज़र रही है वो आपबीती हर रोज़ सैकड़ो लोगों के साथ गुज़रती है तो थोड़ा मन को ढाढ़स मिलता है| पर मन तो अटका था घर की चौखट पे जहाँ सुकून गले लगाता और अपनों के बीच अनबन का आना-जाना लगा रहता।  (गाड़ी नंबर 12003 प्लेटफार्म नंबर 6 पे लग चुकी है|)  मैं अपने सामान को उठता हूँ अपने कोच में चढ़ता हूँ और साथ में मेरे  ज़ेहन में एक ख्याल भी चढ़ा जिस तरह लोग अपने अपने कोच पे चढ़ते है| मुझे अपनी सीट तो मिल गयी पर अब तक बद्तमीज़ ख्याल ने सवाल की शक्ल ले ली| हालांकि सवाल आसान था कि एक मकान बनाने में कितने दिन और क्या-क्या सामान लगता है?  जेहन ने बिना सोचे जवाब दिया कि रकम और ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा कुछ साल और लाखों ईट, मौरंग, बालू, मज़दूर, मिस्त्री इत्यादि| जवाब का पूरा होना ही था कि प...