The toe finger hurt by the edge, the fingers tucked in the middle of the door, the bruises over the knees, touching a hot utensil, the best friend became the best friend of someone else, not accompanied by parents to the market and not getting the toys might be the incidents which gave the very first sense of pain. 

When we were children, we cried, we screamed to express the pain but as we age, pain is accompanied by silence. Nothing and no one is familiar about the ocean of pain we are drowning in. The people whom we loved, went away, and the fathomless pain they left behind. The absence feels lifeless. The goals we could not achieve became the nightmares. It keeps intimidating us for the rest of life, The living body has to go through different forms of pain throughout its life but it is not only one emotion over which we lose life.

Initial classes taught us that pain is an uncountable noun because if we could measure it, the world would be facing, a new form of competition. How easy the life we were living when we were not aware of the pain. When we start associating events with the amount of pain then we can feel only sadness and start comparing ourselves with the people around us.

Does pain give only scars? Pain matures us and leaves us full of experiences. It makes life more worthy. It becomes the motive for exploring the dimensions of emotions. It makes us stronger. Little joys become valuable. In a certain way, pain is joyful. 

As long as we keep revisiting the pain, it will keep feeling like a fresh one. Pain is a volatile memory but as a human tendency, the things we want to forget are the things we remember longer.  Pain should be treated like any other emotion. We should never allow it to ruin the beautiful moments of life.



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