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"She: Whom I Never Knew"


While going through the trunk, I found things far older than I was. Stepping in the misty history of letters, albums and diaries was inevitable. She appeared from nowhere with ecstasy. She sat with me, took her assets and got lost in her world. I was feeling incongruous. I could momentarily see the poignant face of her. Suddenly, something reminded her of my presence. I held her fingers and walked down her memory lane. She kept narrating what, where, how and when; and as a meek kid, I vigilantly listened to her. This had been an unprecedented moment. 

Throughout the journey, I wanted to ask her, "Why did I not see this side of yours previously?" But I could not pluck up the courage to question her established persona. I was in awe of her conviviality. It was serendipitous roaming around her world for the first time which had always seemed mythical. I had only witnessed her motherly being. As a kid, I could not imagine her individuality which fascinates me now. 

She could not cross the barriers herself which became the reason for her sabotaging those barriers when get outlined around us. She has raised us with a sense of credibility rather than hypocrisy. We struggle to match her wittiness although we are aware that she is a paragon. Each day, she surprises us with her patience and ease. Her smiles keep decreasing the entropy. She has drawn the veil on the life she has lived so we can see only the life she imagined once. 

As calendars change, I get excited for the coming years to unfold surprises but what makes me rattle about her getting aged. Looking at her body which has grappled with ordeals had been as young as me as of yesterday. But today, it is writhing in pain. I want to ask why but to whom which had been malicious. Her griefs permeate though she has fossilised the responses. Despite her being grateful that makes me astonished at how she gathers the will to stand against destiny. Wrinkles have conquered her however they failed miserably to the longevity of her inner child.

To the woman who laid my foundation -


She is moonlight and she is starlight

And after all, she is all that right 

Budding as a lark and germinating as a spark 

 She is the sum of the light and dark.

She is a human and she is a deity

And after all, she is an eternal beauty

Run with bruises and drink all curses

She is the enchanting verses.

She is a home and she is a fairy

And after all, she is a bold lady 

Hiding the pains and climbing the highs

She is holding the universe in her eyes.

She is a silent scream and she is a loud cry

And after all, she is the white sky

None like her and none can last

She is the sum of the future and past.



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