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"What If"


There is low visibility outside. I am sure If I open the window to check the temperature, my body will get shivers. January has arrived, and so has the new year, but I am still writing 2024. How funny it is to become habitual of something, knowing that it is going to change. The life is going at the same pace. Somedays, I spend tackling troughs, and the other days, I convince myself about crests. However, every day goes on encountering what ifs.  

Yesterday was full of ifs, and today, I have to sit with old and new ifs. Ironically, I am the one who is questioning and also framing answers. What has changed over the years is the intensities carried by ifs and buts. It sounds pessimistic, but actually, it brings commas to life instead of full stops after getting tired of wandering hither and thither. It makes me more aware of different possibilities and dimensions. As I am not able to travel much physically, I can go beyond countries and impossibilities through them.

I am listening on a loop to the song's recommendations and going back to pieces to which I somehow stopped listening. The warmth of it is enough to pass this winter. The cold heart is melting. What if appears as the balmy sunshine that rarely sneaks in the fog.

“What If”

What if I move on rather than holding on, 

So that my heart would heal.

What if I love more without expectations,

So that my life would be surreal.

What if I focus on forgiving rather than forgetting,

So that my heart would be happy.

What if I count more blessings than obstacles,

So that my life would be easy.

What if I scream out silently rather than chaotically,

So that my heart would be free.

 What if I vanish all the memories,

So that my life would see.

What if I get the answers to all what-ifs,

So that I would stop wandering.


What if, all what-ifs get buried with me?



  1. Songs...the title of this post reminded me of this song from Christmas Carol: the movie by Kate Winslet


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