There have been countless moments when I’ve considered painting you on canvas—yet time, inspiration, and confidence always eluded me. I yearned to begin at your origin, which once seemed veiled in mist, though my eyes recall it with startling clarity.
At first, I followed a trace: you, seated, gazing out at something beyond the latticed window—a gesture you knew well and repeated often. But I wished to capture something rare in you, to make you aware of your own rarity.
I longed to approach you, speak in person, and convince you there is no need to become X, Y, or Z in life. ‘A,’ you are more than enough. You’ve lost sight of the joy that comes with simply being yourself. Take pride in mending the broken pieces of your heart alone. You have reached the shore, and in time, you will ascend the pinnacle. There is no shame in zoning out as long as you are germinating. I was always around you, watching—turning the pages, pouring the heart out, sipping coffee, cleaning the drawers, walking beneath the starry night, and sleeping close to the crafted world.
In the coming years, you will realise that you were never frozen at the starting point. You, too, have shifted, moving ever forward with your roots. You have travelled far in your timeline and through people.
I will wait for that day—when you are no longer naive—when I can walk towards you, enfold you in my arms, and offer you the final healing touch and so a masterpiece.
This is wonderful A! Indeed!!